Sunday, October 25, 2009

Krishna and Supergod christ: A comparison

In the year 2005. The idiotic archbishop Nikon of Russia, in a letter to the mayor of Moscow, Y.M. Luzhkov, referred to Krishna as an evil demon.

Well Mr. Nikon and his fellow Christians let us have a comparison of Krishna and your so called super god christ.

Krishna's biological parents were Vasudev and Devki who were imprisoned by a demon Kamsa because of a prophecy that their 8th child (Krishna) would kill him, and therefore, Kamsa wanted to kill Krishna as soon as He was born. When Krishna was born the iron chains by which Devki and Vasudev were bound miraculously broke, the locks of the jail in which they were imprisoned miraculously broke and the jail guards fell down unconscious allowing Vasudev to take Baby Krishna to the safety of his foster parents Nand and Yesoda and then come back to the prison in time before Kamsa is alerted. So now we know had Krishna had biological as well as foster parents.

Super god christ was born to mary and the identity of his father is questionable. I mean a fantastic story was made up that mary was a virgin and she was impregnated by the holy ghost, but any person in the right mind would refuse to believe that. It could be that mary was of questionable character and was bonking random strangers or might be some roman soldiers got lost in the desert and mary slept with them out of pity and upon getting pregnant fooled her husband and other people in the community by making up this story of immaculate conception. Whatever might the case be it only proves that super god christ was born out of wedlock and was a bastard.

Krishna began killing demons even as he was a suckling baby. Demoness Putana was sent by Kamsa to kill Baby Krishna by breastfeeding him with her poisoned breast milk. Instead Baby Krishna sucked her life out of her and killed her. Several other demons such as Saktasura, Trinavarta (whirlwind demon), Bakasura (stork demon), Aghasura (The snake demon), Dhenukasura, Aristasura, etc etc. and many more. Almost all these demons were killed by Krishna from his childhood to adolescence. Krishna came back to his kingdom Mathura and killed one of the most powerful demons of all, Kamsa, and reclaimed His kingdom and released His biological parents (Vasudeva and Devki) from prison and delivered His people from Kamsa's atrocities.

And now let us look at the super god and the so called true savior jesus. His parents had to take him to another place out of the fear of the evil king herod and returned to israel only after king herod died. If jesus was such a super god, he would have killed the evil king and declared himself the king and bought justice to his people.

Describing Krishna's character would fill pages and pages, but in short, Krishna was a master politician, a statesman, a perfect king, a perfect student, a perfect husband, a perfect son, a perfect spiritual guru, a perfect lover, a perfect warrior and a perfect friend. Whoever challenged Krishna in the battlefield had signed his own death warrant. No matter how powerful or clever his enemy would be, Krishna always came out victorious.

And what did super god jesus do in his life. Show some street magic, i.e, healing people and making multiple breads and fishes from one loaf of bread and a fish and got hung from the cross and died with nails in his behind. Again, he who could not even save himself how the hell is he expected to save others?



    French historian Alain Danielou had noticed as early as 1950 “that a great number of events which surround the birth of Christ – as it is related in the Gospels – strangely remind us of buddhists and krishnaites legends”. Danielou quotes as examples the structure of the Christian Church, which resembles that of the buddhist Chaitya; the rigorous asceticism of certain early Christian sects, which reminds one of the asceticism of Jain and Buddhist saints; the veneration of relics, the usage of holy water, which is an Indian practice, or the word “Amen”, which comes from Hindu OM. Another historian, Belgium Konraad Elst, also remarks “that many early Christian saints, such as Hippolytus of Rome, possessed an intimate knowledge of Brahmanism”. Elst even quotes the famous Saint Augustin who wrote: ” that we never cease to look towards India, where many things are proposed to our admiration”. Unfortunately, remarks American Indianist David Frawley, “from the 2d century onwards, Christians leaders decided to break away from the Hindu influence and show that Christianity ONLY started with the birth of Christ”. Hence, many later saints began branding Brahmins as “heretics” and Saint Gregory set a future trend by publicly destroying the “pagan” idols of the Hindus.

    Great Indian Sages, such as Sri Aurobindo, or Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, the founder of the Art of Living, which is practised in more than 80 countries, have often remarked that the stories recounting how Jesus came to India to be initiated, are probably true. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar notes, for instance, that Jesus sometimes wore an orange robe, the Hindu symbol of renunciation in the world, which was not a usual practice in Judaism. “In the same way, he continues, the worshipping of the Virgin Mary in Catholicism is probably borrowed from the Hindu cult of Devi”. Bells too, which cannot be found today in synagogues, the surviving form of Judaism, are used in Church – and we all know their importance in Buddhism and Hinduism for thousands of years. There are many other similarities between Hinduism and Christianity : incense, sacred bread (Prasadam), the different altars around churches (which recall the manifold deities in their niches inside Hindu temples); reciting the rosary (japamala), the Christian Trinity (the ancient Santana Dharma: Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh), Christian processions, the sign of the cross (Anganyasa) etc…

  2. oye! krishna may be superior for he is the father i.e., the god himself and christ was son i.e.,prahallhad or dhruva but u r forgetting that he taught us to love every single soul otherwise he will not be urs the god christ was talking about was also krishna all religions have the same god they only know him by different names. in kaliyua to get krishna u should sing hare krishna hare ram in ur freetime in evening(no dress code)also krishna was reincarneted as lore jaggannath

  3. Like a sheep he was led to the slaughter and like a lamb before its shearer is silent, so he opens not his mouth. In humiliation justice was denied him. Who can describe his generation? For his life is taken away from the earth."
